WK&S 60th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday & Sunday, September 9 & 10, 2023

2023 was the year that the WK&S celebrated its 60th anniversary. It was an adventure! Preliminary plans were to celebrate the anniversary in June. But due to various scheduling conflicts and other issues, the celebration was pushed to Saturday and Sunday, September 9th and 10th.

Plans included a visit from Scott Symans' "Viscose Company" 0-4-0 #6 steam locomotive. But that fell through at the last minute due to an inability to coordinate an FRA 1472 inspection. The weekend was also hampered by some monsoon-like weather conditions which left things soggy, hot and humid.

Both Saturday and Sunday featured two-train operations. WK&S #734 powered the big excursion train with trips at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00. WK&S #7258 powered LNE caboose #512 with trips at 12:30, 1:30 and 2:30. The meets between the two trains were neat. And everyone who had the limited opportunity to ride #512 had a blast. The weather cooperated during the day (mostly) with Saturday cloudy and muggy and Sunday a bit cooler. The excursion train on Saturday featured six cars. But two of the four coaches were cut off for Sunday, which was more in keeping with attendance.

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The weekend's power.


The excursion train.


The "bobber train".


LNE #512 was equipped with volunteer-supplied LNE markers.


The bobber train waits at the north Kempton switch for the passing southbound excursion train.


As the southbound excursion train rolls into Kempton station, the bobber train shoves north for Wanamaker.


The next northbound excursion train passes Wanamaker station as the bobber train waits on the siding for a clear mainline back to Kempton.


The pump car was placed on the set off at Fuhrmans Grove.

The railroad's high-capacity well pump died on Saturday afternoon. Volunteers in cooperation with the Kempton Community Center assembled several hundred yards garden hose from behind the Music Pavilion down to the railroad. They were able to charge the system and keep the restrooms going. But the steam locomotive (had it been there) would have been done for the weekend.


One of the pallets of hose deployed for the weekend.

Saturday at 4:45 was the "SO... you want to run your steam locomotive?" seminar down at the picnic grove. Twenty five attendees enjoyed an explanation and some demonstrations regarding the restoration of WK&S 0-6-0 locomotive #65. The seminar was threatened by sporadic drizzle. Then around 6:00, the skies opened up.



Saturday at 7:00 was the "Sunset" train which was supposed to include multiple stops and runbys followed by a fireworks display back at Kempton. But by 7:00 it had been pouring for nearly an hour and showing no signs of letting up. The train limped away at 7:00 with near zero visibility, stopping twice for trees. Needless to say, no one got off and there were no runbys. But everyone seemed to keep their good humor and had fun anyway.


A soggy "sunset train" has returned to Kempton.

I don't think many people expected to see fireworks at that point. Most people left after the train. But there were fireworks! The fireworks guy was set up over the hill behind the Community Center and they went off around 8:45. They must have been some seriously waterproof fireworks! It was actually a pretty neat display as it coincided with lots of thunder and lightening. The display was done by 9:00 and it immediately began pouring again. Saturday was over.

Sunday featured a WK&S volunteer dinner at 6:00 down at the Kempton Hotel. Transportation was via LNE caboose #512. Of course, it poured. Dinner was courtesy of the family of the late Harry Schaller, a long-time volunteer and treasure. Harry was looking forward to the 60th anniversary, but, unfortunately, passed away earlier this year.


The volunteer dinner train arrives in front of the Kempton Hotel (raining again).


Volunteer dinner at the Kempton Hotel.


Volunteer dinner at the Kempton Hotel.

Many volunteers came together at the last minute and set up an impressive display of railroad memorabilia in the Gift Shop including WK&S items, pictures, a locomotive headlight and bell and the builder's plate from former WK&S steam locomotive #250.


Memorabilia displays in the Gift Shop.


More displays lit by the opposing locomotive headlight.


Harry Schaller dedication poster.


Our static freight train received a wash and some touchup.


Pumphouse poster compiled and supplied by Scott Herring of the Hardcoal Chronicles (www.thelastanthracitephotographer.com).


Drumhead featuring the 60th Anniversary logo.


Hard at work getting our own steam locomotive back in service.


Promotional banner in downtown Kempton at Rt. 737.


www.kemptontrain.com screenshot.


Facebook banner.