WK&S 50th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The day was hot and humid with many ominous clouds and a few showers. But the weather didn't seem to scare many away. It was actually a pretty good day considering the weatherman's forecast of doom and gloom.
Five-car trains ran on the usual schedule at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 & 4:00 powered by the railroad's newest diesel GE #734. Steam locomotive #65 was fired up for display and ran solo up and down the Kempton passing track. As the regular train returned from the 2:00, 3:00 & 4:00 trips, #65 sped down the passing track pacing #743 into the station.
There was an exhibit tent set up on the lawn by the station. Participating organizations included Amtrak, Operation Lifesaver, the North American Railcar Operators Association (NARCOA), the National Railways Historical Society (NRHS), the Phillipsburg Historical Society, the Reading Company Technical & Historical Society (RCT&HS), Hardcoal Chronicles photographer Scott Herring and of course the Schuylkill & Lehigh Model Railroad club. A few other organizations didn't make it thanks to an apparent postal mix-up and some unplanned competition from the Kutztown Folk Festival. But the tent filled up nicely and everyone had a good time.
Musical entertainment was provided by the Allentown Hobo Almost Marching Band and the Dixieland Five. The Dixieland Five has been a long time fixture of the annual WK&S Harvest Moon trains.
There were at least three individuals in attendance who had been involved with the WK&S from the beginning in 1963. They were Ken Clauser, Wally Ely and Ronnie Klinger.
At 5:15 under the tent there were about 20 minutes of speeches by WK&S officials as well as Berks County Commissioner Christian Leinbach and a representative from the office of Senator David Argall. Albany Township Supervisor Charles Volk was also present. Following the ceremonies, there was a final complementary train ride at 6:00.
Years of planning went into this event as extra efforts were put toward getting fresh paint on the buildings, rolling stock and locomotive. Much new signage was also erected.
I was running #734 all day and didn't get many pictures. If you have some good shots or stories you'd like to see here, send them in. I'd especially like to see some action shots of #65 pacing the train at Kempton. Also, check YouTube. Several people have posted some good videos.
Click any image for larger picture.
Station decorations.
Station decorations. Check the poster on the pump house.
Poster compiled and supplied by Scott Herring of the Hardcoal Chronicles (www.thelastanthracitephotographer.com).
Poster close-up. Me with the wife and pooch.
Anniversary coach decals also supplied by Scott Herring.
Home of the Schuylkill & Lehigh Model Railroad Club.
The day's power.
#65 readied for solo runs around the yard.
Caboose #92936 freshly painted in 2012.
Someone had their antique car along for the day. Photo by Allison Choc.
The train was staged south of the station ready to make a dramatic entrance before the day's first departure at 1:00 pm.
#734 at Kempton station.
#734 at Wanamaker.
#65 steaming on the Kempton siding. Photo by Allison Choc.
The Allentown Hobo Almost Marching Band. Photo by Allison choc.
The Allentown Hobo Almost Marching Band. Photo by Allison Choc.
#65 steaming on the Kempton siding. Photo by Allison Choc.
Hoses parting at Wanamaker. Photo by Allison Choc.
Rounding the curve at Trexler. Photo by Allison Choc.
#734 and #65 at Kempton. Photo by Allison Choc.
Exhibit tent on the lawn by Kempton Station.
WK&S archivel displays in the tent.
WK&S archivel displays in the tent.
A display of WK&S MOW equipment was manned by a representative from NARCOA.
RCT&HS provided rides on their parde locomotive #1176.
50 years later the railroad's first locomotive, Porter #2, is still on the property. Long term plans may see #2 cosmetically restored for display.
Boats, Bikes & Bait just opened for 2013 in Wanamaker station.
Commemorative 50th Anniversary tickets.
A screen shot from the WK&S website.